Collecting coupon is a great way to save money when you go shopping. With the right couponing strategy, it is possible to cut your shopping expense by half but the amount of groceries you bring home will be double. It is also very easy to find coupons that you can use for shopping. You can get it from CouponsMonk, you can find it inside the weekend tabloids and you can also get it directly from the store.
While it is true that coupons can help you save money, if you are not careful it actually will make you spend more. So, you really need to be careful and don’t go to the extreme. Here are some money-saving tips to help you use your coupons wisely.
Only Clip Coupons that You Will Use
Finding coupons is very easy nowadays and you might be tempted to clip each and every one of them. At first glance, clipping every coupon you encounter might seem like a very nice idea to save money. However, if you are not careful, it actually will lead to overspending.
Just because a coupon offers a tempting discount, it doesn’t mean you should clip it if you don’t need to purchase the goods in the very first place. When it comes to using coupon, people tend to think that it is okay to buy a lot of things because they will get discount anyway. This can be a recipe for disaster for your finance. You need to hold yourself and stick with things that you really need. Don’t clip the coupon that you don’t need so you will not be tempted to use it.
Combine Coupons and Sale
If you want to save even more money, you need to use the coupons when there is a sale event on the store. You might need to wait because it is not every day the goods you want to purchase are on sale. But the wait will be worth it if it means bigger saving.
You might have to head to the store every day so that you don’t miss the sale event. You can also subscribe to the store’s newsletter so that you will get a heads up when the items you want to purchase is on sale.
Watch the Expiry Date
There is a very important rule when it comes to collecting coupons. You need to pay attention to the expiry date of both the coupons and the items you want to purchase. Even though it is always best to wait and keep the coupon until there is a sale event, sometimes you need to sacrifice the chance to get bigger saving if your coupon is about to expire. Suppose you have a sivvi discount code and you want to redeem it later. Just check it expiry date first and then decide a date of redemption.
Furthermore, if you often use coupons you certainly know that it is always better to buy in bulks because the discounts you get will be bigger. However, buying in bulks might not be the best idea for goods that has expiry date like foods. So, if you insist on buying foods in bulks, you need to make sure that you are able to eat everything before the expiry date. But to be safe, if you want to buy in bulks, it is best to stick with things that don’t have expiration date like tissue paper.
Keep the Store’s Coupon Policy at All Times
Shopping with coupons might seem very easy, but the truth is you are bound to face some challenges. There are times when the cashier or the manager of the store will give you a hard time. They will say that your coupons cannot be combined with other discounts or you cannot use online coupons.
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If you experience this, don’t give up just yet. Every store will have their own coupon policy and you need to bring it with you all the times. It will be much better if you read and study the policy carefully so that you know exactly about your rights. When the cashier or the manager give you a hard time, simply show them the policy and tell them why you can use your coupons.
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Be Organized
Last but not least, being organized is very important in the art of collecting coupon. You need to separate the coupons according to the store, the discounts and also the expiration date. Then, keep them on separate envelopes and don’t forget to label them. You will be surprised on how fast coupons can clutter your house so organizing them properly will be really helpful. This way, you also can easily find the coupons when you need them. You can get it from CouponsMonk or, you can find it inside the weekend tabloids and you can also get it directly from the store.